perm filename FUND[NOT,DBL] blob sn#193170 filedate 1975-12-22 generic text, type T, neo UTF8

In September I travelled to Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR, in order to participate in
the Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.  While
there, on September 5,
I presented a paper entitled %2"BEINGS: Knowledge as Interacting
Experts"%*.  This was a report on  my recent
research involving a modular formalism  for representing data and control.
I also delivered a paper entitled %2"The Automated Mathematician"%*, which
described my forthcoming PhD dissertation project. I also acted as chairman
of the IJCAI  Free Session on Thursday, September 4.

I found the conference trip quite worthwhile. 
Personal attendance was invaluable for hearing the  %2latest%* findings of
each project: although
the published papers were written last Spring,
most talks  included a summary of recent results since that time.
Of equal  value were the private conversations I had with several
researchers in my field, exchanging ideas and fresh viewpoints.